Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gatsby Ads

Gatsby's Ads always never fail to catch my attention on the TV. Just take a look at the following ads which was showed in Sg before.


When I first saw this ad, I was thinking what in the world was he spraying onto his body since Gatsby is a brand which sells mainly hair product.... Hair spay on body???
Isn't that abit too much Deodorant on the body? =P

Moving Rubber

Gatsby extreme hair colours

Still remember this ad? When you're Happy and you know it clap your hair~~
This is like the classic which got everyone's attention.

Those not shown in SG before.


Hair Dye

Hahaha. I didn't know there's another version for the hair clapping one.


Their ads have catchy songs and at least the ads are different from those usual ads we see on TV. Even though the ads seems to be quite irrelevant or even ridiculous sometimes, I think their ad compaigns are very successful since the ultimate purpose of ads is to get the public's attention on your products right?

Interesting Gatsby self- made ads

I think its quite creative+entertaining. Maple+ Gatsby?

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