I must say that Hyoonies have good translators since lotsof stuffs there are translated from Korean to Chinese. There's quite alot of YEH related news there too. I registered there just to see what kinda concrete evidences do they really have but was quite dissapointed at the evidences. Maybe its because I didn't have enough post there. Like I mentioned in my previous post, if there's really strong evidences that Joo Ji Hoon and Yoon Eun Hye are a couple, I wouldn't mind them being a couple at all as long as Yoon Eun Hye is happy.
I registered with my usual nickname since there's no rule saying that I can't drop by there to take a look. Yes, I admit that I made quite alot of posts there as well, but I did it so that I could get to see better evidences which needed higher number of post since those evidences which I could see were quite limited. Besides that, I didn't even post any negative or snide remarks on the JJH-YEH chinese forum. All the comments I left there was true. JJH and YEH does have quite a few things in common and there were some sweet moments between them off screen. Sometimes after reading those post at the JJH-YEH forum, I would just smile and wonder how could YEH do that?!!?
Goong was the first Korean drama I watched and got hooked onto, so of course I would be curious about the couple as their on screen chemistry were really good. But well, I guess not everyone is so open minded about it.... I got banned from the forum just because they knew that I'm a JYC. Well, how great. Actually there's quite a few members from JYC.cn who are also members of JJH-YEH chinese websites as well and they even post news they got from other shippers on the JYC.cn forum and credited those news accordingly to JJH-YEH site. But JYCs are quite open minded about it and didn't make a fuss out of posting stuffs from other camps. Well, if you want, why not just ban all those people as well? Sigh, I just wanted to get to know more about YEH....I didn't even discuss all those stuffs I saw in the forum with other people or leak out anything , so there's no real harm done... The reason why I registered myself using my regular nick is because I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If I really wanted to spy and report my 'findings' or whatever, would I be so stupid to use back my usual nick?
Besides that, I'm a YEH fan, of course I'd like to know more about her, about her friends, private life etc. So after seeing the JJH-YEH thread, and also YEH soompi thread, it seems like there's lotsof stuffs I don't know about and those people at the thread seems to know YEH's personal life quite well. So I got more and more curious about it and I visited JJH-YEH baidu and realised that JJH-YEH forum is open for member recruitment. So I grabbed this chance and registered myself there.
Reading the stuffs on JJH-YEH chinese forum made me feel like watching Goong again. It bring back memories of the time where I was a JJH-YEH supporter. Their interaction on screen was so sweet and to add on, those BTS scenes of their interaction shows that they're both really comfortable around each other.
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if YEH is two timing. (Just Joking!) Of course she won't do that!
I think I'll watch Goong again soon....
I've also been back tracking on YEH soompi thread lately since there's really very little news and updates about YEH these few days. Its really interesting reading all the comments especially shipping comments. I still remembered when I first discovered soompi and YEH's thread, I was still more of a JJH-YEH supporter and I would be happy to read those evidences of JJH and YEH. Still remembered the incident of the picture YEH posted on her CY during KJK's brother's wedding. JYCs were claiming that the guy was KJK and compared the shirt KJK wore during Xman to the shirt of the driver, but in the end Hyoonies pointed out and proved that the shirt didn't match! I was laughing after seeing that the evidence was being dis-proved and I don't remember caring much when JYCs brought up another shirt of KJK and proved that the driver was KJK. But now when I backtracked at the forum, I'm supporting the other party and its really funny how my stand will greatly affect and influence my views and judgements. Its also amusing to think back and compare my stand current stand with my views in the past since both views are opposing and it's like a complete 360 degree change in my opinion.
Besides that, while backlogging, its funny sometimes to see that the post made by a person and the signature of a person doesn't match. There were people who was trying to make peace and they were basically middle person who does not belong to any ship. So their post will be like saying that they don't mind who YEH will end up with and they're okay with YEH being with either KJK or JJH. But when you read on, the signature of the people will show a banner belonging to a certain camp, so it ended up quite ironic.
I don't really know how the shipper thingy come about, but in the beginning of the thread, things were quite peaceful. Even though there may be some amount of shipping, they were more of discussions instead of arguements or shootings. Its quite fun to see 'evidences' being brought up by one camp, but shot down by another camp in the end. But as the thread procceed, people started to be stronger believers and each form different opinions and support different camps, so in the end, the healthy discussion turned into arguements instead.
Come to think of it, we're all fans of Yoon Eun Hye, so why do we have to fight and argue among ourselves? It seems so foolish to do so. I think situations are worse in Korea where those anti fans are really capable of doing anything to the celebrities which they don't like or support. That's the reason why its really hard for Korean celebrities to admit their relationship. We don't really see that happening in other Asian countries. Korean fans may just throw out criticism at the celebrity or even go all out to harm the celebrity physically. Cases which I know of include Mi Youn and Chae Youn. I think Chae Youn was attacked by netizens after she announced on Xman that she knew KJK for quite long and that she's a big fan of him. Mi Youn's case was quite long ago and I'm not really clear about it but it she was also attacked by anti fans I think because fans of her (rumored?) boyfriend did not like her to be with that guy.
Alright, enough said. All I wanna say now is YEH FTW!
Peace. There's no point attacking and throwing insults at each other.
And since I'm already banned at the other camp, my journey of discovery will just end here... I'm still a JYC at the end of the day, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to any other evidences from other camp.
P.S there's no point in shooting me in the forum.
I don't wanna create a mess in the AF thread so I wrote this entry here. But dunno whether those on the other camp will read this.
I was really quite irritated after reading the posts on AF JJH-YEH thread, but after calming down and thinking about it, it seems quite silly to attack back.
And to all Hyoonies: I think JYC chinese forum welcome any member there so long as you don't post hurtful or negative comments there, so if you all want, you all can register there and take a look as well.
PEACE. And I beg you all to please stop those name callings and flaming of KJK... I know its JJH-YEH thread, but that doesn't mean that we can just criticise any other celebrities and say those hurtful comments about them. How would you all feel if people started criticising JJH? Its still an open forum afterall and anybody can just visit the thread the read the stuffs there. So if you all wanna criticise, maybe you all can do it in the special forum dedicated to JJH-YEH?
Glad to hear that =)
No matter what we're still supporting YEH.
yeah that's right, a fan mirrors their idol, but i still like YEH even if yeh warriors and kjk shippers are a bunch of immature and boastful fans, so what if our 'bubbles' are just speculations, at least we don't go around snooping at other threads and blogs and then dissing it as 'delusions' even calling names to jjh, for your information, jjh has been called several names and it was posted all over sites where warriors can diss him, so how can you say you are different?
and can i add, why do warriors and kjk shippers feel like they were the ones being bullied, its quite contradictory to your confidence when it comes to your evidences? why look at other ship camps for their 'evidences', if you think your evidences are facts and truth?
to get to know yeh better, coz hyoonies seem to know more about her, is not a reason, its an excuse!
i'm sorry stars on screen for the sudden outburst, but just don't like what the previous anonymous has posted, but you have checked from the start of yeh thread, and its funny that at the end you're still a kjk shipper, coz its pretty obvious who started the flames in that thread.
No flaming in the JYC posts. Are you kidding? In their english site there's even a thread there where they bash JJH and the hyoonies.
About the evidences? This is so hilarious what evidence are you talking about? Its not evidence man its FANFICS!hahahahaha!!!!!!
About YEH thread in soompi, I guess the jycers and the warriors are just bitter. Coz their regime on YEH thread is over. Gone are the days where they can bully the hyoonies in the thread.
FYI did you research all of the blogs? cause hyoonies are not the only one who called him "those name"like "half-moon faced freak"
and is this right? "How would you all feel if people started criticising JJH?" dah I bet you are one of those people who do love to criticise
anonymous1 and star onscreen, you 2 should better re-edit and think before you post a comment or a story
Wow, I was surprised to see so many comments here suddenly.
Ummm when did I ever criticise JJH? Any evidence?
"jjh has been called several names and it was posted all over sites where warriors can diss him, so how can you say you are different?"
Can you give me the link?
"to get to know yeh better, coz hyoonies seem to know more about her, is not a reason, its an excuse!"
Its up to you to believe it or not. Why won't a YEH fan wanna know more about YEH??
"but you have checked from the start of yeh thread, and its funny that at the end you're still a kjk shipper, coz its pretty obvious who started the flames in that thread."
I don't really remember who started it first, but I can see now that JYCs are trying to stop it and there's no more shipping about KJK and YEH in YEH thread anymore now. But Hyoonies are still shipping in YEH thread....
"No flaming in the JYC posts. Are you kidding? In their english site there's even a thread there where they bash JJH and the hyoonies. "
Ummm at least JYC do it in their own forum where its supposed to be only for JYCs shippers. Doing it in a forum like AF is different... I think it would be better for you all to do it in the forum especially setup for Hyoonies.
What's the difference in doing it in AF and in your english site? Its still bashing! DUH! So dont claim that there is no flaming in JYC posts. Wait, you are asking for evidences? What about the "hi ninjas" thing you post in AF. I remember right after the MBC awards a jycer posted in YEH thread that JJH was so skinny and that YEH can beat him on wrestling match. What an immature post. JJH maybe skinny but at least he was gifted with a GORGEOUS FACE.
Hyoonies still shipping in YEH thread? I think the warriors and the jycers always perceive the hyoonies post as a shipping post. Well we cant twist Eons words if he happens to mention JJH when asked about YEH.
"I don't really remember who started it first, but I can see now that JYCs are trying to stop it and there's no more shipping about KJK and YEH in YEH thread anymore now. But Hyoonies are still shipping in YEH thread...."
oh you better re-read the whole yeh thread, so you'd know who usually start the flames! hyoonies shipping in YEH thread?!? of course hyoonies can still post about shipping, hyoonies aren't the ones who posted THE RULES in YEH thread about shipping, of course the warriors shouldn't be the first one to break THEIR OWN RULES, should they? how come if other ships like gyeh or kjk-yeh posted in YEH thread its allowed, but when a hyoonie posted, even if its not shipping, warriors and jycers perceive it as a shipping post? that's weird man! hyoonies are always suspect!
"Can you give me the link?"
you've got to be kidding! the very link you are looking for is posted in your very own blog! ahh i know, how about popseoul? look at all the jjh related posts there and you will read how below the belt are warriors and jycers attack on jjh.
"Ummm at least JYC do it in their own forum where its supposed to be only for JYCs shippers. Doing it in a forum like AF is different... I think it would be better for you all to do it in the forum especially setup for Hyoonies."
How exactly is it different??? As stated by the previous anony, its still bashing! just because you all bunch of warriors and jycers are doing it, you think hyoonies/hunnies also have their own forum where they can bash warriors and kjk, then you obviously don't have any idea who hyoonies are!
i remember, the recent fights over at yeh thread, it was a hyoonie who first asked for peace, and then several warriors seconded the motion. now you make it look like its warriors and jycers who are asking for peace? and even if hyoonies are not posting anymore and ignoring warrior posts, what did warriors and jycers do? they just won't stop! even going to another thread and posting bashing comments about hyoonies! man that's way too low! and did warriors and jycers ever hear anything from hyoonies about that?
you know there are so many things i can bash about YEH just to spite warriors, but i don't. i don't know kjk so i don't bash him. but hey, everybody, i mean everybody, from kids to very old guys, there's only one comment from them when i show pic of kjk to them, i'm sure you know what they say about his physical looks.
flames will stop once warriors and jycers have matured and learned how to think, once they stop suspecting hyoonies of every post they have is all about shipping, and once double standards in yeh thread stops. anyway why do warriors always suspect all hyoonies posts as shipping?
"What's the difference in doing it in AF and in your english site? "
The difference is that one is an open forum where ANYONE can just visit and read the posts made there. So if there's any mis-information about a certain artist, visitors there will get the wrong information. If you all post it in your own individual forum which is meant for Hyoonies, at least the stuffs there are constrained and those who happened to visit the forum will know that its a forum for Hyoonies and will understand all the stuffs which are posted there.
" What about the "hi ninjas" thing you post in AF. "
I never say hi to ninjas before,so I don't think I posted anything like 'hi ninjas' in AF before.
And I don't consider 'hi ninjas' as flaming. Compare 'hi ninja' with 'fishy cockroaches'. Which on is more offending?
'right after the MBC awards a jycer posted in YEH thread that JJH was so skinny and that YEH can beat him on wrestling match.' I think the person meant it as a joke, but well, that could be offending as well.
'Hyoonies still shipping in YEH thread? I think the warriors and the jycers always perceive the hyoonies post as a shipping post. Well we cant twist Eons words if he happens to mention JJH when asked about YEH.'
I think the posts about Eons words are alright. I don't consider that shipping. Wat I meant as shipping will be stuffs like photoshops and the recent photo incident etc. I don't understand why would you all bring the photo to YEH thread and qn whether its photoshopped if you all didn't have intention of dis-proving the evidences which JYCs supposedly have.
'hyoonies shipping in YEH thread?!? of course hyoonies can still post about shipping, hyoonies aren't the ones who posted THE RULES in YEH thread about shipping, of course the warriors shouldn't be the first one to break THEIR OWN RULES, should they?'
Warriors set the shipping rules because there was just too much shippings in the thread and we just wanted to have peace there. If you don't know, YEH thread got closed down for a period of them just because of the shipping war there. So the reason we set the rules is that we don't want YEH thread to have the risk of closing down again. If you all are posting at YEH thread, shouldn't you abide by the rules as well?
'how come if other ships like gyeh or kjk-yeh posted in YEH thread its allowed, but when a hyoonie posted, even if its not shipping, warriors and jycers perceive it as a shipping post? that's weird man! hyoonies are always suspect!'
Yes, I think we may be abit too sensitive when Hyoonies made shipping posts there. But I think the reason why we reacted more when Hyoonies post shipping comments is because usually when Hyoonies make such comments, its not only an individual who make such comments. Ususally, fellow Hyoonies will join in and ship more, so the effect will be bigger..( I dunno if you understand what I meant here).
'"Can you give me the link?"
you've got to be kidding! the very link you are looking for is posted in your very own blog!'
I'm sure I didn't criticise JJH AT ALL. Sorry, I'm a lit student, so can you give me an exact quote of my words where I criticised JJH?
'ahh i know, how about popseoul? look at all the jjh related posts there and you will read how below the belt are warriors and jycers attack on jjh.'
I don't usually visit popseoul coz it seems like the person who wrote that blog don't like YEH at all, so wats the point of paying a visit there just to read those stupid comments made by fans who don't like YEH? But since you mentioned it, I visited tat website and read some comments there. Yes, it seems like there's a war going on there... Sigh. When can it end?
'I remember, the recent fights over at yeh thread, it was a hyoonie who first asked for peace, and then several warriors seconded the motion. '
If you noticed it, I stopped posting any replies there before the peace was being asked. You can check AF YEH-KJK thread for evidence.
'even going to another thread and posting bashing comments about hyoonies! man that's way too low!'
I'm not sure what thread are you referring to...
'you know there are so many things i can bash about YEH just to spite warriors, but i don't. i don't know kjk so i don't bash him.'
So you're not a YEH fan? Sorry, I think you're a YEH fan all the while...
Glad to know that you don't bash KJK as I don't bash JJH as well.
'flames will stop once warriors and jycers have matured and learned how to think'
I agree on that. But I think the flame will still continue to blow given the current situation.... *Sigh*
And something to add here... I don't that you should lump Warriors with JYCs tgt and treat them as a joint body. There are YEH fans who are other campers and some YEH fans does not ship as well, so its not really right to just treat Warriors as JYCs.
"So if there's any mis-information about a certain artist, visitors there will get the wrong information."
We never made up stories like those so called "evidences" from your camp or should I say FANFICS.
"I never say hi to ninjas before,so I don't think I posted anything like 'hi ninjas' in AF before.
And I don't consider 'hi ninjas' as flaming. Compare 'hi ninja' with 'fishy cockroaches'. Which on is more offending?"
Its not you,she's one of the jcyers.FYI, we didnt say "fishy cockroaches". Fishy was another codename and there was another one who said that the antis are like cockroaches. For the record we never said those JYCERS are fishy cockroaches.hahaha! Why are you claming that those names are for you? Is it because those qualities perfectly describe you guys?
"I think the person meant it as a joke, but well, that could be offending as well. "
a joke? well if I say KJK's body is not proportionate. for you guys its just a joke! hahahaha!
"I don't understand why would you all bring the photo to YEH thread and qn whether its photoshopped if you all didn't have intention of dis-proving the evidences which JYCs supposedly have. "
Man, you're barking at the wrong tree. The person who always post shipping pics are from the GYEH camp. What disproving evidences are you talking about? So I guess I was right you guys always perceive the hyoonies posts as either a shipping post or a post that disproves you evidence or whatever.
'We never made up stories like those so called "evidences" from your camp or should I say FANFICS.'
"I'm not referring to that... There were some comments at AF about why KJK is in the MS doing office work when he's supposed to be strong and muscular etc. The stuffs said are misleading....
'For the record we never said those JYCERS are fishy cockroaches.hahaha! Why are you claming that those names are for you? Is it because those qualities perfectly describe you guys?'
Oh well, we also didn't say you guys were what ninjas as well. Lolz. This is getting nowhere -_-ll
'What disproving evidences are you talking about? So I guess I was right you guys always perceive the hyoonies posts as either a shipping post or a post that disproves you evidence or whatever.'
*Sigh* Alright I guess you all could deny it any way you want.
Quoting a Hyoonie in YEH thread:
"RE the famous pix....
I'm not really bothered if it is psed or not -- it's the misinformation that I find bothersome, i.e. the phone serial thingy... -- that is not a phone serial no. but a file naming convention (on how the pix was saved).... "
Who cares about the dumb phone serial thingy or watever you call it? Does it really matter if your intention is not to dis-prove the evidence?
I was gonna send you a PM that time but my com crashed after I finished writing the PM and when I was thinking whether I should send it or not. So in the end, I didn't PM you all about it. Sigh.
There's no point in arguing anymore since this arguement is going nowhere...
Thanx for visiting my blog anyway.
didn't you know? warriors are yeh-kjk shippers, so they are no different from JYC. you've read the whole yeh thread, why didn't you get that? it was the kjk-yeh shippers who started calling themselves 'warriors' because of the 'wars' going on there. so, many hyoonies were surprised that warriors started calling themselves 'true yeh fans,' and ofcourse for the newbies, they adapted the warrior name coz warriors have claimed they are 'true yeh fans,' thereby alienating hyoonies as fans of yeh.
so you're a student, that explains a lot then.
can you explain this statement further:
"The difference is that one is an open forum where ANYONE can just visit and read the posts made there. So if there's any mis-information about a certain artist, visitors there will get the wrong information. If you all post it in your own individual forum which is meant for Hyoonies, at least the stuffs there are constrained and those who happened to visit the forum will know that its a forum for Hyoonies and will understand all the stuffs which are posted there."
i tried to comprehend what you said, and it seems that you're saying you want to avoid mis-information by containing the bashing posts exclusive for each camp's respective forums. so following your own logic, it seems that bashing is same as mis-information? is that right? and jycers are not doing the bashing in an open forum to avoid mis-information? so what does jycers think of the bashing of jjh, that its mis-information among yourselves? can you please make it clear, its hard to follow your logic there.
"So you're not a YEH fan? Sorry, I think you're a YEH fan all the while...
Glad to know that you don't bash KJK as I don't bash JJH as well. "
warriors always think that hyoonies are not true yeh fans, just because we ship jjh to yeh, what's the difference then with warriors/jycers? i said i can bash yeh TO SPITE WARRIORS, how does that make one person become less of a fan? she's not all perfect you know, there are things about her that can be criticized, and be exagerrated in the form of bashing.
"Who cares about the dumb phone serial thingy or watever you call it? Does it really matter if your intention is not to dis-prove the evidence? "
but did the phone serial number dis-prove your evidence? it did not. was it really that bothersome if hyoonies corrected posts by warriorss? it was meant to educate, not to dis-prove.
hey hey don't give up on arguing with hyoonies, that's why it never ends, coz warriors doesn't know how to end it, if they find themselves cornered, they would just start another argument again and again.
Quoting from AF
'the question is....is he that strong? tsk tsk tsk
yeh's type of man 2 years ago said something like STRONG
but that doesn't mean if the guy is strong that he must have to be a BULKY BODY
cause I have a friend which is SKINNY but quite strong'
The fan even emphasized the quality "strong" Its so amusing that the other camp is always saying that YEH likes someone who's strong and they are claiming that its their guy whom YEH is describing
no wonder he got the desk job in MS desk job are for strrroong people'
So they were claiming that KJK is not strong just because he got a desk job in MS, but i actual fact, he hurt his back, thats why he couldn't go out onto the battle field.
'didn't you know? warriors are yeh-kjk shippers, so they are no different from JYC. '
'warriors have claimed they are 'true yeh fans,' thereby alienating hyoonies as fans of yeh.'
Well if you want, I can name you a few YEH fans who are not JYCs as you claimed them to be. bliss, kinetics, anythingasian, pekochan,Amaryllis...
And nobody said that Hyoonies cannot be YEH warriors. You all could add that in your signature and identify youselves as Warriors too. If I remembered correctly, the term YEH Warriors came about coz there was no proper terms to identify ourselves as YEH fans. It wasn't supposed to alienate YEH fans, but instead, unite them.
I can see that Hyoonies are not being treated as YEH fans coz it seems that you all like the idea of JJH-YEH pairing more than you all like YEH. What if it just so happened that JJH and YEH are not tgt, will the Hyoonies still like YEH?
'so you're a student, that explains a lot then'
please don't stereo-type. I'm currently not studying now. I should have said I was a lit student.
'i said i can bash yeh TO SPITE WARRIORS, how does that make one person become less of a fan? she's not all perfect you know, there are things about her that can be criticized, and be exagerrated in the form of bashing.'
I don't get your logic here. Regardless of whatever reason, why would a YEH fan bash YEH just to spite at her fans? Shouldn't you be bashing her fans instead of bashing YEH?
Lets say I'm a JJH fan too but I can't stand JJH's fan, but would I go around saying "JJH is ugly! He's so skinny like a bamboo pole!"
I won't do that if I'm a real JJH fan instead I should go "JJH fans are so immature".
'but did the phone serial number dis-prove your evidence? it did not. was it really that bothersome if hyoonies corrected posts by warriorss? it was meant to educate, not to dis-prove.'
It didn't dis-prove, but what really matters here is its intention instead of the result/end. Actually I Don't get the whole serial number issue. And if it was meant to educate, I think its quite a failure coz those that responded to the 'lesson' were just Hyoonies and JYCs. So I think Warriors don't really get what the whole deal was about.
A qn for you: where did you all get the pictures?
I just backlogged at YEH thread and its actually a YEH Warrior instead of a Hyoonie as you have claimed who tried to peace the situation first.
'hey hey don't give up on arguing with hyoonies, that's why it never ends, coz warriors doesn't know how to end it, if they find themselves cornered, they would just start another argument again and again.'
Umm care to enlight me on what arguements had JYCs started before?
"So they were claiming that KJK is not strong just because he got a desk job in MS, but i actual fact, he hurt his back, thats why he couldn't go out onto the battle field."
Well isn't it the reason why those guys are in desk job
is because they are not physically capable of doing the tasks in the usual military service whatever the cause whether it be an accident or a health problem. So the "muscles" doesnt equate to being strong. Which you guys keep on insisting that KJK is strong because of his muscles.
"It didn't dis-prove, but what really matters here is its intention instead of the result/end."
Intention? How can you be sure what the real intention of that person is. Only that person knows her real intention and not you.
"Umm care to enlight me on what arguements had JYCs started before?"
I remember Jaycee's post in YEH thread before. She wouldnt stop shipping KJK and she didnt like the idea of being reprimanded from shipping in YEH thread.Another one was when Hidell was bullied by all the warriors especially by wryscelle and smr.
Of course who can forget the "sabotage claim" of cricktear!whahahaha!That poster is so paranoid!
bluedolphin, i think it's too kind of you to answer that person's question. Come on~it's your own private space, no one has the right to break into your house and to point at you, arguing with you.
Hi Suyi!
I totally agree with your post.
And sigh, what a mess they made on your blog. ):
JJH-YEH shippers seem to be everywhere huh -wary- :/
Thanx sheryl and anonymous for your support =)
To anonymous Hyoonie
"Intention? How can you be sure what the real intention of that person is. Only that person knows her real intention and not you."
Yeah, I cannot be sure what the real intention of that person is but I could make intelligent guesses rite?
"I remember Jaycee's post in YEH thread before. She wouldnt stop shipping KJK and she didnt like the idea of being reprimanded from shipping in YEH thread.Another one was when Hidell was bullied by all the warriors especially by wryscelle and smr.
Of course who can forget the "sabotage claim" of cricktear!whahahaha!That poster is so paranoid!"
Haha. What's so funny? I have no idea what incidents are you referring to... Can you give the quotes/ links to their posts? I've been taking the trouble to support my statements here with quotes and links but all you have been doing is to point to an incident vaguely and asked me to look for the evidences myself.
And just to let you know, I'll be deleting these comments soon since I don't think this arguement will lead anywhere. I'm just being courteous to inform you now.
I'm wondering how many anonymous am I arguing with... 2/3 different anonymous person? And 1 is not even a YEH fan, so whats the point of the arguement?
我的留言是給之前那位匿名者. 不是指你不接受別人對你的發言引發的討論, 而是為什麼那個人要你把這些留言刪除掉. 部落格可以記錄我們周邊發生的每件事情, 儘管這個並不是很讓你開心的討論,它也是組成了你的部分人生記憶,所以沒有必要刪除. 當然, 這是你的blog,你要做什麼沒人可以阻止.
我並沒有其他意思,只是覺得當一個人不清楚狀況的時候,最好不要插嘴.. 所以我的問號只是針對那個匿名者,不是你.
我的意思只是這樣, 不是每件事情都是旁觀者清的.
還有, 恩惠迷可以用狗眼來形容別人ㄇ?
"還有, 恩惠迷可以用狗眼來形容別人ㄇ? "
我是觉得你这句"還有,上面的言論你確定你都看懂ㄇ?" 的话有点在讽刺别人的感觉。所以就一气之下打了那个post。
我不了解你的心态, 因为对我来说,我是不会因为某人的fans说的话而去讨厌那个明星。。。
not the same anonymous here. but i'm a hyoonie.
i'm sure the blogger has no intention whatsoever to criticize JJH. ;)
being in this shipping business for quite some time now, it seems a little strenuous, isn't it?
both camps have evidences, as to conclusivity, we're not really in the position to prove unless we're the main persons concerned, are we? we all speculate. we all dream of having our fave couple date in real life. it's supposed to be delusionally fun.
as to behaviour..be it open or limited forums, both camps bash the other. both camps are guilty of it. there's no use in finding faults with both camps and then act like a self-righteous hypocrite.
both camps have valid points. both camps are even. both camps are guilty of misbehaving.
but the demarcation lies somewhere here...
I can see that Hyoonies are not being treated as YEH fans coz it seems that you all like the idea of JJH-YEH pairing more than you all like YEH.
so there. this hurts man. big time.
then i guess you don't know Hyoonies very well. Does discrimination and prejudice really that apparent in YEH thread or the remark was said because you're a JCYer and obviously biased.
either way... you said it yourself... we are not treated as YEH fans because of your impression that we all like the idea of JJH-YEH pairing more than we all like YEH.
we both love JJH and YEH. together or not, equally or more or less than the other, the fact is we are also fans. YEH fans for this matter. Believe it or not. Being a Hyoonie doesn't and wouldn't mean we love JJH and YEH 50-50. we may not be as much greater YEH fans as JCYers are, but we support YEH the best way we can, 100%. Isn't that enough reason for us Hyoonies to earn a point to be considered as YEH fans too?
I don't care if other camps think that way about us, besides, YEH is the one we want to show our support to. It's okay if you all don't recognize the little things we do for YEH at YEH thread or in any other forums. i just think it's unfair that we are treated this way because we SEEM to like shipping more than we like YEH.
some Hyoonies even took extra effort to become a Neri. you think they did it just because they love shipping?
how many of us post in YEH thread more than we post in our respective shipping threads? our 'eye-sore' hyoonie siggies is definitely a lame excuse not to post. at least we do try to post 'relevant' infos rather than snide remarks.
how much does each camp really know about YEH? was there a written exam or internet polls on how to gauge a true YEH fan?
of course we show our support for YEH in our own little and humble ways. and i appreciate all JCYers, warriors, GYEH and all YEH fans who have been continually supporting YEH and unselfishly contributing news, translations, artworks, pics and many more at YEH's thread in soompi. the point is, we should not treat anybody as if they're a lesser fan.
IF ever JJH and YEH are proven to be not together, and IF Hyoonies eventually turns out to be anti's, well then, congratulations, you have all the pleasure to resent us BUT until that happens, Hyoonies don't deserve such treatment.
we may not love and respect YEH as much as you guys do, we may not be supporting her forever as you guys would claim to support her all the way, but the truth which your camp should also consider is...Hyoonies are also here to love, respect and support her in every possible way we know how. We also want her to be successful and happy, even if not with the guy we root for her.
flames will stop once warriors and jycers have matured and learned how to think, once they stop suspecting hyoonies of every post they have is all about shipping, and once double standards in yeh thread stops.
i agree with nth anonymous(i lost count. lol!) the disputes at YEH thread aren't really about 'shipping'. it's about double standards, prejudice, discrimination.
if only you guys also acknowledge the fact that Hyoonies are also YEH fans, and start treating us evenhandedly at YEH thread (or in any YEH threads outside of soompi).
hope i didn't cause a mess. i just want to make a point or two.
你也說了,IF ever JJH and YEH are proven to be not together, and IF Hyoonies eventually turns out to be anti's....你會這樣說,表示你自己也知道這種可能性不是嗎?你指的anti是YEH的anti機率比較大吧!很少fans會因為JJH沒有跟YEH而anti JJH吧!
Hi there.
There have been a lot of discussions going on and I just want to add my two cents. Hope you don't mind.
The Kjk - Yeh - Jjh shipping wars go a long way back and there have been constant exchange of hurtful words left and right. Some were easy to ignore, some just went right through the gut.
It depends on which point of view you choose to take. For the JYCers, hyoonies who post kissing pictures repetitively and make bubbles are pain in the a**. They look at them as a bunch of delusionals, ( the term in case you are not aware, came from a jyc fan.) What's happening in Yeh Soompi thread is a clear case of territorial dispute. One camp asserting their right and the other, fighting to gain their rightful spot. The clueless ones that are caught in the cross- fire are often the ones to end up in the gutter.
Do we really have to begin our lessons in history to know who started it all? Does it really matter who wins and loses? As some of you had posted in Chinese, Yeh is the pitiful one, knowing all these wars concerning about her personal life would only cause her to retreat to her own secluded nook.
Lets' stop all this hypocrisy in saying Hyoonies are fake Yeh fans and the JYCers are the true Yeh fans. What's the difference between a KJK YEH shipper and a JJH YEH shipper? Both followers ship, both like YEH for their respective choice, both are infatuated with the idea of seeing her ending up with their men. If Hyoonies are considered fake, then it only follows that JYCers too, are fake. If JYCers think their style of supporting YEH is true, then it should be acceptable that Hyoonies think the same way too.
When we say shipping all the time, and with all the examples I have read above, does this mean the recent multiple mentioning of Kim Jong Kook in Yeh Soompi thread is also shipping? Like how they wish to see Yeh do a duet with him, or how he must have mentored her coz her singing has improved by leaps and bounds, or how Yeh always supports those artists exclusively from 101 Ent.? So none of these lines are considered as shipping? Truthfully?
And like how the trend goes, none of the Hyoonies jump in and point these out. But how I remember the times when Warriors would gang up on innocent Hyoonies whose only mistake was to insinuate something that they hate so much.
"i didnt know who joo ji hun was, but after getting to "know" the hyoonies through their posts, ive come to dislike their idol JJH, because a fan mirrors their idol.
but when i read jyc posts, there is no flaming and the evidence is not speculations or "bubbles".
i am new to shipping as well, but i am leaning more towards JYC."
To make this paragraph politically correct, it's not the posts that made this poster dislike JJH, it's her being a fan from the other camp that made her dislike him. As far as I know, most of JJH ANTIs are fans from that camp.
Another thing that's really annoying is the FACT that these people would sign up multiple accounts and hide behind several nicks. I really don't get it. If they believe in what they advocate, then why multiply?
It's really awful to resort to these bickering, and even if I'm not at ease in saying all these things, I am prompted to stand up to let my voice be heard.
Thank you for the space.
in response to the very recent chinese post (i'm the anony who posted before you, btw)^^
it would've been more courteous if you replied in english, taking into consideration the readers who don't understand chinese..hehe!
and yet another discriminating remark. lol!
i think it's unfair to assume that only a handful of us-hyoonies would still like YEH no matter which guy she ends up with. of course some of us would be disheartened if JJH and YEH won't end up in real life, and i'm sure JCYers too if she won't end up with KJK. i'm not going to be hypocrite about it. but the last thing we want is to hurt YEH. and it doesn't mean we'll turn into some ANTIs.
ok..supposing, your instincts are correct..that only a few would still be loyal to yeh... you think it's an excuse to generalize all hyoonies and treat us like we are all Anti's-in-the-making?
the word 'Anti' is such a strong word. do you know what ANTIs do? sending hate mails, registering to some sites just to spite the actor they hate, physically attack them (like what some ANTI's did to YEH)...all these efforts just to bring the actor down... do you think some of us would do these things if ever YEH doesn't please us? oh please.. do we really look that too low?! or do you just have this highest regard for your camp?
and excuse me..we don't want YEH for JJH coz she's popular. another prejudice again.. not only to hyoonies but also to hunnies or JJH fans. Hyoonies are JJH-YEH shippers, and not JJH fans who just want YEH for JJH coz she's popular.
see..that's why flames won't stop.
1. your camp always ASSUMEs that we love shipping more than we love YEH, hence we're not considered as YEH fans.
2. your camp always ASSUMEs that we or most of us will turn out to be ANTI's if ever YEH won't end up with JJH, hence we're already treated us such.
3. your camp always ASSUMES that you know better about YEH and what's best for YEH, thereby categorizing yourselves as TRUE YEH fans and us, as lesser fans of YEH (and what's worse..ANTIs!)
4. your camp always ASSUMES and REACTS negatively based on your unconfirmed assumptions.
you said it yourself... inequality in society does exist..and we can't do anything about it. but that doesn't excuse your camp's chauvinistic manners. and now you're wondering why hyoonies are agressive and hostile? oh please... *rolleyes*
Haha~i don't understand why there are so many hyoonies around here. It seems to me that they hide in everywhere, don't you guys tired?
To the anonymous above, I think the anonymous posted in Chinese mentioned Antis coz you mentioned it first right? (.....IF Hyoonies eventually turns out to be anti's....) It's you who stared this topic, i don't know why you're so angry about he(her).
hi! i am a jjh fan. and contrary to the popular belief, no, we're not all jjh-yeh shippers. there are actually some of us who does not like yeh for jjh. just like some warriors (or most of them) does not like jjh for yeh.
yet, we never diss yeh or anybody who jjh is linked with.
the thing is. i completely disagree that fans mirror their idol. truth is, no matter how "delusional" you think hyoonies and jycers are, they are still different from everybody else, or, in this case, their idols.
i believe not all yeh-kjk shippers never bashed jjh. in some point or another, they have. so, does that mean that when one or two shippers diss the other guy, the dissing shall reflect on their idol?
that's only 2 people. compared to your 'idol' who lived and breathed for more than 25 years or so, do you think its fair that his character be judged by a single word from a fan?
do you think our idols would have liked themselves judged by what their fans do? i don't think so.
truth is, if you really really love and adore and believe in your idol, you won't do anything that can cause disgrace to their name.
so, hyoonies or jycers you all may be, at some point, you have all disgraced kjk, yeh, and jjh in the name of shipping.
you said it yourself... inequality in society does exist..and we can't do anything about it. but that doesn't excuse your camp's chauvinistic manners. and now you're wondering why hyoonies are agressive and hostile?
your camp??
wow! So many replies! Seems people are really care about YEH's gossip...lol
Come on~that's put more focus on her career, hope her next project will be coming soon! Can't wait!
"Haha~i don't understand why there are so many hyoonies around here. It seems to me that they hide in everywhere, don't you guys tired?"
Oh hiding is definitely your style. We dont hide in some crazy nicks like you guys do.hahahaha! Ask that question back to your camp. Aren't you tired in hiding in those crazy nicks and attacking the hyoonies all the time?hahaha!
Wow, the comments are suddenly streaming in again.
To the anonymous on
March 1, 2008 10:27
I think what you said make sense and I agree with you. Maybe our impression of Hyoonies have been wrong all these while.
No matter what, all I can say is that I really hope YEH will be happy. No matter who she end up with, I hope the all the shippers from the different camps will still give their support to her.
It's really tough being a celebrity and even more so being a Korean celebrity since the antis there are well-known for their extreme actions....
To anonymous on
March 1, 2008 10:53 PM
I have read above, does this mean the recent multiple mentioning of Kim Jong
Kook in Yeh Soompi thread is also shipping? Like how they wish to see Yeh do
a duet with him, or how he must have mentored her coz her singing has improved
by leaps and bounds, or how Yeh always supports those artists exclusively from
101 Ent.?
I agree that there are some shipping comments made on YEH thread. But not all of them come from JYCs. Quite a few of the comments were made by members who saw the news and dropped by the thread and also some of those comments were left by new memebers who are not aware of the shipping war last time.
Most(I didn't say all)JYCs already tried not to post shipping comments on YEH thread...
Aww... whatever it is, I think there'll never be an end to this since it's not a simple issue at all.
Okay, I've already deleted the first anonymous comment since I think some fans may be offended by it.
'anonymous on March 1, 2008 10:27' here.
thanks for agreeing. and sorry if ever i 'messed up' your blog. honestly, your blog has been a nice avenue where i could air my sentiments to someone from other camp who's open to discuss the problems of both camps without having to resort to bloodshed. =) i'd always wish to send my message across without the need to trespass on your camp or join the flames over at soompi every time THAT occasion arises. =)thanks ;)
take care! :)
How can any fan of YEH bash her? No ones perfect but nobody will bash anyone that they really love especially with no reason. YEH hasnt done anything to hurt anyone and she has helped so many people and worked really hard to improve her acting after her poor performance in Goong.I still enjoyed her in goong, she was so lively, funny and lovable.
Most people have a problem with her appearance but in no way do you love a person if all you care about is appearance. She's criticized for weight, teeth, and many unreasonable things thats got nothing to do with ACTING! I want to see good acting not barbie dolls.I don't care if she's fat or thin, if she is considered pretty or ugly, what she wears, none of that matters, its the person within that touched my heart and her beauty will shine even when she's over 50, cos nothing can touch our soul even if age withers our body.
btw im not a shipper and i dont mind who YEH is going out with. Its got nothing to with our personal preferences..she is human not a puppet. but i hate when people write lies about her for their own benefit and delusional fantasies. All the JYC evidence are backed by facts, videos and articles and they are not desperate, they are very rational people and not all of them bash JJH, its mostly the ignorant hateful people who lurk at popseoul, the crappiest blog about K entertainment. I like JJH a lot and he seems like a really nice person but unfortunately some of his fans are still obsessed over goong but im sure they would lose interest or grown up and see the line between fiction and reality. its take time even though its really frustrating for the YEH fans to deal with such crap.
i think its pretty obvious YEH is either going out with KJK or they are really really close. In any case everyone knows they are good friends. real fans of YEH would never unreasonably bash a person she obviously loves and respects like KJK!
That military comment is really border lining on cruelty.his desk job doesn't mean he's weak, for gods sake, how could anyone who regularly works out and does body building be weak! thats just ridiculous like every other hyoonie assumption. Almost all the celebrities try and get a desk job so they don't have to lose focus of their careers and disappoint their fans. Its hard enough being a celebrity, imagine having to go to military as well, its really tiring. most probably JJH would try out for a desk job too. KJK is a really good,caring person and im glad YEH found someone who cares for her no matter what she looks like and i hope their love will prevail.
i heard many times that people talking bad about kjk, i just dont fight back i dont want become one of the antis, or said bad thing about any celeb,please before you said bad thing to people just watch yourself first in mirror...you can love or support 1 celeb but please dont hurt any of the celeb or talking bad about them...
i feel really bad about korea celeb,this is just what i am thinking..like the fans control them...what i see is only in korea industry...i hope it will get better day for all of the celeb and wish them luck and happy new year for all of them especially for kjk oppa and yeh ^^ and for yyou too bluedophin love your writing and explanation..^^
bluedolphin, i didnt read all of them just know...waw waw i dont know have a big fight kjk-yeh with jjh-kjk...why we must bash or fight with each other? this is JUST US AS A FANS who make the comment..., today i am not in kjk-yeh/jjh-yeh i admit i really love all of them..but please this is really childish action..just stop it..just live in peace, kjk-yeh or jjh-yeh actually can be friends..why we must do this..the celeb is dont know anything about what happening...is useless if you talking bad about them..oh gosh...i dont know still have such action like this...and bluedolphin dont get me wrong i didnt talk anything bad in here..and people who talking bad in here i am suggested they give their user id is better dont make anonymous...
Haha. Yeah, I think the celebs in Korean have a harder time than the celebs in other countries. They are much more affect by the netizens' comments.
Now, I'm just glad YEH thread at soompi is quite peaceful, with no wars or people trying to create trouble.
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