Finally finished 20 episodes of Secret Garden in about 4 days.Gotta say I didn't regret watching the drama at all even though the general story line is kinda typical. *Spoiler* During ep 5 when they switched body, I was like "Oh no... here it comes again..." I've watched more than enough dramas/movies with guy and girl switching body and here it is in this drama again. Oh well... But the drama is still good, fortunately.
Somehow this poster
reminds me of this poster....
Don't they kinda looks the same? I mean the people are all floating and the guys are all looking down and reaching out towards the girl.
Hyun Bin is just so freaking cute in the drama. I think his chracter in Secret Garden is like every girls' dream guy. So dependable, yet adorable. I can just stare at him whenever he comes on screen. But one thing I noticed is that he lost quite alot of weight. Just look at him face, it's like so thin compared to his My Lovely SamSoon days.... Put on some weight guy! Whatever it is, he's still so stare-able. I think he's the main reason this drama is so good....
Ha Ji Won is not bad in the drama as well. Her character in the Secret Garden is tough and cool, but not losing the feminine and sensitive side. I really like her eyes.... Somehow she reminds me of Takako Matsu, a Japanese actress.
First 2 pics above- Ha Ji Won. Last 2 pics - Takako Matsu.
The good thing about Secret Garden is that the evil characters are not evil to the exent that you'll want to kill and sware at them. So, that's good in a way that you won't really be bothered or get distracted by them. There's great chemistry between the leads and the minor characters in the dramas are interesting as well.
Some interesting thing I found it....
Jang Hyuk was actually casted for Hyun Bin's role orginally, but somehow the deal didn't go through in the end. I don't mind him acting as Kim Joo Won too and I'm really curious how the drama would have turned out if he was the male lead instead.
Also, there were talks of Park JaeBum taking the character of the talented musician role in the drama, but it didn't go through in the end too. Wow. It would have been totally cool if he got the role cause the character in the drama is soo cool even though he's gay. Haha. I could totally imagine him as the character, but excluding the gay part of course. But Lee Jong Seok was cool acting as Ssun.
Yeah, in all, nice drama that is worth watching. *Spoiler* Last few episodes made me cry so much coz it was so touching.... But the rest of the drama is quite light-hearted and fun.
So go watch Secret Garden now! Hyun Bin~~ Hope he'll be fine in MS and put on some weight as well!